The purposes and priorities - Версия для печати

Акционерное общество «Термостойкие изделия и инженерные разработки»

Main page >> About the company >> The purposes

The purposes and priorities

An overall objective of a marketing policy(politics) of Open Society " ТИИР " is the increase in a sales volume. For this purpose the advertising companies in various editions are regularly undertaken, time decrease(reduction) in a price level of production in again mastered regions in some cases is applied.

We carry out(spend) perfection and advertising of production with the purpose of giving to it(her) of the characteristics raising its(her) appeal to the consumer, regular work on improvement of packing and marks of production is conducted. Carried out marketing researches with the purpose of reception of short-term and intermediate term forecasts of volumes of demand and sales on separate regions.

Full ассортиментный a number(line) of our production settles down in a wide price range, starting(beginning) from the cheap products designed for the mass buyer, and up to products with the exclusive consumer properties, sold under the prices considerably exceeding the prices массово of made products.

In a basis of this policy(politics) orientation of a dealer network in the basic regions where there are significant enough wholesale markets lays. Dealer network of Open Society " ТИИР "

Traditionally, the basic orientation of industrial activity of Open Society " ТИИР " are deliveries of production to a complete set of conveyors of car factories and motor factories of Russia. Further the basic consumers of our production

are specified
Open Society " Autovases " (Volga automobile a factory, Tolyatti) Open Society " GAS " (Горьковский automobile a factory, Nizhni Novgorod)
Open Society " КамАЗ " (Naberezhnye Chelny) the joint venture " GM - AVTOVAZ " (Tolyatti)
Open Society " Autodiesel engine " (ЯМЗ) (Yaroslavl a motor factory, Yaroslavl) ON "МТЗ" (the Minsk tractor factory, Minsk)
РУП " the Bobruisk factory of tractor details and units " (Bobruisk) Open Society " ЗМЗ " (Заволжский a motor factory,
. Заволжье)
Open Society " Trailer - КАМАЗ " ( Stavropol) Open Society " УАЗ " (Ulyanovsk automobile a factory)
Open Society " Taganrog комбайновый a factory "
Open Society " НефАЗ " (Neftekamsk car factory,
Open Society " Уралавто " (Ural automobile a factory, Miass) Joint-Stock Company " Метровагонмаш " (Mytischi)
Open Society " GROOVE " (the Pavlovsk bus factory,
. Павлово)
Open Society " ЛИАЗ " (Ликинский a bus factory,
. Ликино)
РУП "Гомсельмаш" (the Gomel factory agricultural mechanical engineering,
Open Society « АМО ЗИЛ » (the Automobile factory him(it). Лихачева, Moscow)
ON "МАЗ" (the Minsk automobile factory, Minsk)


150048, Russia, Yaroslavl, the Moscow prospectus, 149