Contacts - Версия для печати

Акционерное общество «Термостойкие изделия и инженерные разработки»

Main page >> Contacts


the Post ФИО, a scientific degree Phone
the General director Levit Michael Zaharovich (4852)44-29-31
the Staff department Muravieva Olga Alexandrovna (4852)44-28-90
the Assistant to the general director on commercial questions Levit Kirill Mihailovich (4852)44-15-57
the Head of a department of sales and marketing Malishev Sergei Vladimirovich (4852)47-68-95
the Head of a department of supply Razumov Alexandr Sergeevich (4852)44-16-41

the Circuit of travel:


150048, Russia, Yaroslavl, the Moscow prospectus, 149