Personnel selection - Версия для печати

Акционерное общество «Термостойкие изделия и инженерные разработки»

Main page >> Personnel selection

Personnel selection


Number of workers of the enterprise on 01.09.07 is made 825 by the person. From them:

  • heads 107 чел.
  • workers - 616 чел.
Vacancies available at the enterprise:

    A three-replaceable operating mode:

  1. Press operators
  2. Шлифовщики
  3. Mechanics - electricians
  4. the Cleaner of industrial premises(rooms)
  5. the Controller of Quality Department
  6. An one-replaceable operating mode:

  7. the Engineer - designer on electrotechnical devices
  8. the Worker on cleaning territory
  9. Машинист harvesters

The wages are paid two times a month without delays. Full соц. A package.


150048, Russia, Yaroslavl, the Moscow prospectus, 149