Our company has been organized in 1946 year in Yaroslavl as ЦНИЛАС (the central research laboratory of asbestine products). In 1958 year ЦНИЛАС it has been reorganized in ВНИИАТИ (all-Union research and a конструкторско-institute of technology of asbestine technical products). ВНИИАТИ was unique in former Soviet Union the research organization developing various technical products on the basis of asbestos and introducing them in manufacture at working factories. In September 2006 г.нам 60 years were executed.
In the beginning of 90th years of the last century reorganization, and then and liquidation of the branch ministries and departments began, and the branch research organizations have remained without the centralized state financing. Since this moment our company has been compelled to plan itself own works and their realization in the industry. Was accepted decision on the basis of pilot production to start the stage-by-stage organization and development of industrial production of frictional products.