the General director of Open Society " ТИИР " - Levit M.Z.
The chief engineer - Opalatenko D.V.
The assistant to the general director on commercial questions - Lapshin V.P.
Managing scientifically research center - Krajnova N.A.
The chief accountant - Belova L.K.
- Shop of autotractor details
- Mechanical-repair shop
- Checking department
- the Industrial department
- Design office
- the Technical department
- the Bureau of quality management
- the Энерго-mechanical department
- the Department of preservation of the environment
- the Bureau of a labour safety
- Laboratory ¹ 1
- Laboratory ¹ 2
- Laboratory ¹ 4
- the Central factory laboratory
- the Department of pricing and normalization of work
- the Staff department
- Accounts department
- the Department of sales
- the Department of marketing and logistic
- the Department of supply
- the Department of storage and the account of industrial stocks and finished goods
- the Department of a complete set and the equipment
- the Economic department
- Security service
- Garage
The chief of shop - Sobolev A.A. ph. 441583
The chief of shop - Shevelev A.A. ph. 441571
The chief of a department - Баскакова I.e. ph. 442941
The production manager - Kuzenkova L.V. ph. 441547
The chief of a bureau - Migunov A.N. ph. 442461
The chief of a department - Piven E.G. ph. 441663
Main энергетик-the chief of a department - Ovsjanik M.I. ph. 441593
The head of a department - Voskresenskaja N.I. ph. 442547
The chief of a bureau - Volkova E.V. ph. 442910
Managing laboratory - Hvedchenja O.A. ph. 442971
Managing laboratory - Izjumova V.I. ph. 442979
Managing laboratory - Golkin V.B. ph. 442997
The chief of laboratory - Karpitskij V.L. ph. 442489
The head of a department - Gabriadze N.D. ph. 442431
The head of a department - Tugina E.E. ph. 442890
The chief accountant - Belova L.K.
Юристконсульт - Kravchenko Etc. ph. 442433
The head of a department - Levit K.M. ph. 442560
The head of a department - Makarov N.M. ph. 442959
The chief of a department - Reasons of Ampere-second. Ph. 441641
The head of a department - Shirmanova O.N. ph. 442897
The head of a department - Ljand A.V. ph. 441577
The chief of a department - Krjukova N.M. ph. 441677
Chief СБ - Ostrovskij V.V. of ph. 441549
The chief of garage - Usikov A.P. ph. 442870